True Life Response To Supreme Court Ruling On Marriage

True Life Response To Supreme Court Ruling On Marriage

1. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, unchanging Word of God so when the Bible speaks, God speaks, and that settles it as true no matter what any human being says. Therefore, we submit ourselves to the authority of Scripture by doing what God says and saying what God says.

2. We treat everyone with love and compassion. To do otherwise is both ungodly and unhelpful. Our mentality cannot be us vs. them, but those with whom we disagree need to see that we only want what is best for them, which only comes through living according to God’s design.

3. We stay focused on Jesus and the Gospel, and we seek to apply the Gospel to every area of life. We must remember that sin never truly satisfies. Only Jesus does. This decision will hurt those who agree with it more than those who disagree with it. The church must love, build relationships, speak truth, and be there to pick up those who are shattered by sin.

4. We stay on our mission of meeting people where they are and helping them become fully devoted followers of Christ. We are called to be salt and light and live as missionaries in culture.

5. We do not make politics our focus, but we steward our responsibility as citizens of a republic, and we vote and participate wisely as expressions of our biblical convictions.

6. We equip ourselves and our children to think biblically, defend and express our faith clearly and lovingly, and speak to this issue articulately.

7. We do not treat homosexuality differently than any other sin, and we do not expect non-Christians to act like Christians. However, we cannot accept same-sex marriage because God does not define it that way in either Scripture or nature. We are to be people of grace and truth. However, we cannot extend grace without extending truth. People cannot receive the gospel that justifies without first hearing the law that condemns. Without hearing the law and being convicted of sin, people cannot repent of sin and trust Jesus in order to receive grace.

8. We do not stick our heads in the sand and ignore the seriousness of the hour, but we also do not panic because God is still on His throne and will use even this to accomplish His purposes.

9. Our ultimate allegiance is to the Kingdom of God so we live counter-cultural Kingdom lives that become a demonstration of the truth to those around us. We must live out what we believe and repent when we sin to have any credibility in the world.

10. We rejoice in the death of cultural religion and get on one side of the fence or the other when it comes to Jesus. Genuine followers of Jesus must prepare to pay the price for truly following Him. This includes obeying the law of God and disobeying the law of man when they are in conflict with one another, which makes the human law an unjust law.

11. More than ever before, the church lives as a family that loves and takes care of each other.

12. We realize that we do not battle against flesh and blood and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God so we pray, seek God, and rely on the supernatural power of God.

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