Leadership Lesson From Acts 6:1-7

Leadership Lessons From Acts 6:1-7

1.  Anybody can notice and complain about problems, but leaders take action to solve the problems.  Problems are opportunities in disguise.

2.  As we grow, the leaders become the lid unless we develop teams to do the ministry because a few individuals can only do so much.

3.  Leaders don’t do everything, but they are responsible to make sure everything that needs to get done is done.

4.  Leadership is about developing leaders who develop other leaders.

5.  Think about who you can develop more than what you can do by yourself.

6.  We are to do everything we can to make sure that people we put in positions of leadership are biblically qualified.

7.  If we only delegate tasks, we are developing followers, but if we delegate authority, we are developing leaders.

8.  Growth requires change.  What works in one season and one size will not work at another season and size.  The mission is fixed but the structure is flexible within biblical parameters.  We adjust the structure to better fulfill the mission and meet needs.

9.  A follower’s response is what do I need to do to solve a problem while a leader’s response is who can I get to solve a problem.

10.  Everybody only has the time and gifts to do so much.  However, all of us together have all the time and talents to do everything Jesus wants us to do if we are obedient.

11.  Ministry is multiplied through the multiplication of servants and leaders so leadership development is vital for us to continue to move forward as a church.

Takeaway:  Focus on recruiting and training within the various ministries!

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