Volunteer Recruitment Tips

Volunteer Recruitment Tips

1.  You can (almost) never have too many volunteers so make recruiting an ongoing activity instead of just doing it when you are scrambling for people.  Encourage others in your ministry to be recruiters, although make sure they know to run it through you as the leader.

2.  Recruit through relationships.  Invite people to join with you in what God is doing in and through your ministry.

3.  When you invite, give them an opportunity to say no.  Don’t pressure them.  If they do say no, offer to help them find a better fit.  If they are interested, let them observe before making a commitment.  Try to defuse their fears.

4.  Be on the lookout for people who are not currently plugged in.  You can check with the office or use CCB to see who is a member and where they are serving.

5.  When you recruit, be able to cast a vision for your ministry and how it connects to the overall mission of the church.  In other words, be able to explain to them the spiritual contribution they will be making by investing their time in this ministry.

6.  Try to match people up with their passion and gifts. 

7.  Give them a trial period and an honorable way to exit the ministry.

8.  Have a training plan in place that fits your ministry to take new people through.

9.  Have written documents spelling out roles, requirements, and accountability.

10.  Continue to check on them and encourage them.  Encourage the people in your ministry to minister to each other in times of need.

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