Characteristics of a Godly Minister

Characteristics of a Godly Minister

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

1.  Endure suffering (v. 2a) 

2.  Boldness (v. 2b)

3.  Doctrinally sound (v. 3a)

4.  Morally pure (v. 3b, 10)

5.  Pure motives (v. 3c)

6.  Called by God to steward the gospel (v. 4a)

7.  Seek to please God instead of people (v. 4b, 6)

8.  Don’t use flattering words (v. 5a)

9.  Not greedy (v. 5b)

10.  Loving (v. 7-8)

11.  Share our lives (v. 8)

12.  Work hard (v. 9)

13.  Teach properly (v. 11-12)