“The Power Of Perspective”
Hebrews 12:1-3
Sermon Series: “Trials”
Introduction: Perspective is very powerful. In fact, how well we make it through trials is partially determined by how we view those trials. So, let’s look at them through Jesus.
Main Idea: Consider Jesus and view our trials in light of what He endured for us so that we don’t give up because of weariness and discouragement.
1. Consider who He is. Jesus is God who came to earth as a man (see Hebrews 1). He never sinned so He did not deserve to suffer, but He willingly chose to suffer for us.
2. Consider what He endured for us. Jesus suffered more than anyone ever has. The wrath of God was poured out on Him. He literally endured hell for us. He suffered mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical anguish. Obviously, our trials are very painful to us, but the point is that by looking to Jesus, who endured more than we have to, we can find the strength to keep going during our trials.
3. Consider why He did it. Verse 2 says that “for the joy that was set before Him [He] endured the cross, despising the shame.” I believe that the joy that motivated Him was the joy of glorifying His Father by doing the Father’s will and the joy of securing our redemption so that He can have a relationship with us.
1. Trust Him as your Lord and Savior because of who He is and what He has done for you. 2. Look to Jesus for comfort and strength (Hebrews 4:14-16).
3. Live by faith like Jesus did.
4. Complain less and give thanks more.
5. Don’t give up but keep enduring.