The Call to Repentance
(Professor Jeans, Thrive: Giving, Money, Time, Gospel, Sexual Purity, Physical Health, Gifts)
I. To THRIVE we must first repent.
A. “Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.” Revelation 2:5
1. Repentance is a change of direction
2. Repentance is a change of mind
3. Repentance is a submission of our will.
4. Repentance is release of our perceived ownership of our time, talents, money and bodies.
5. Repentance is evidenced by changed behavior “and do”
B. Repentance is to be practiced before and after conversion (see above, Rev. 2:5)
II. Of What Should We Repent?
A. Any and every hindrance and obstacle, for “Anything that is not done in faith is sin.” Romans 14:23
B. Failure to recognize the urgency and transiency of life, which results in . . .
C. Placing eternity on the backburner/Failure to set mind on things above, which results in . . .
D. Failure to take seriously our duty to faithfully execute our roles:
1. Priests (Offer sacrifices of praise, thanks, our bodies)
2. Spouses (Husbands: lay life down, prepare them for Christ; Wives: submit to, respect, and encourage) 3. Parents (Time, Example)
4. Members of Christ (Worship, Small Group, Gifts, Missionaries: Make Disciples, Seize time) and finally . . .
III. A Foundational Issue – Lack of Desire/ Ambition
1. Commands: “Seek First,” “Hunger and Thirst,” “Store Up Treasures,” “Like Newborn Babes Crave Spiritual Milk”
2. This is not auto-pilot: this requires commitment to intentionally, proactively, ambitiously seeking to please God. Don’t believe the lie.
3. We let other things pacify the desires only God can satisfy. We are just not hungry.
4. Do you love your king? Do you want to please Him?
5. Gut-check: 2 Timothy 2: 20-21
A. Why should we desire anything less than NOBLE purposes?
-No law against it.
-Be ambitious, not for your glory, but for His glory, highest and best.
B. How can we justify remaining where we are when can be MADE HOLY?
-Remember our end: Kingdom of Priests, reflecting Christ, Seeing Him
-Full Throttle, No Bench-warmers, No squatting on your inheritance
C. What child of God in their right mind would desire anything less than being prepared for any good work?
-This is where ambition reaches fruition – when your number is called.
-Don’t miss your shot – freshman football sideline story.
-We should be the most driven people on earth, driven to excel in the love, grace, and disciplines of God.
D. Once again, the door is repentance “IF a man
cleanses himself” (v.20).
-To reset and realign we must repent and beg for mercy and grace
-In order to apply the principles of Thrive we must first repent