The Cross Part 2: “Jesus Cleanses Me”

  “Jesus Cleanses Me”

Leviticus 16

Sermon Series:  “The Cross”

 Introduction:  Is your identity rooted in what you have done (which produces pride or guilt), what has been done to you (victim), or what Jesus has done for you (freedom)?  This is a crucial issue because we live out of our identities.  Our identity produces our activity.  There is a pattern regarding sin in our lives (see Genesis 2:24-3:21):


However, the great news is that we have a God who loves us, is pursuing us, and is working on our behalf.

Main Idea:  In His substitutionary sacrifice on the cross, Jesus not only satisfies the wrath of God (propitiation), but He also forgives and cleanses us from all sin (expiation).  [This idea is based on the two goats in Leviticus 16 but see also John 1:29, Hebrews 9:23-28, 1 John 1:9, Isaiah 1:18, Jeremiah 33:8, Psalm 103:12.]

Applications Of The Doctrine Of Expiation

  1. This means we can trust Jesus and be cleansed of all sin.
  2. This means that we do not have to live as victims who are defined by our past.
  3. This means that we do not have to justify ourselves and be prideful or condemn ourselves and be guilty.
  4. This means that we do not have to hide and live in shame.
  5. This means we can live in freedom with a humble boldness.
  6. This means we can see ourselves as clean and live that way through the power of Jesus in us.