“Jesus Makes Us New”
Ephesians 4:17-24, 2:1-10
Sermon Series: “New”
Introduction: Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut? Do you ever feel sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you feel like you are stuck in hurts, hangups, and habits? Do you find changing difficult? Do you believe that you are a new creation in Christ but don’t seem to be living like a new and different person? I think all of us struggle with feeling this way either a little or a lot. If you do feel this way, this series is for you. We are going to look at how Jesus makes us new and then how we can live like a new person by focusing on Jesus, renewing our minds, and living a life of ongoing repentance. Let’s begin by seeing how Jesus makes us new.
Main Idea: Jesus makes us new by saving us from sin, because of love, to life, for God’s glory, by grace, through faith, and unto good works. ! Jesus makes us new by saving us:
1. From sin (v. 1-3).
A. Spiritually dead (v. 1)
B. Under the control of the world, Satan, and our flesh (v. 2-3)
C. God was righteously angry at us (v. 3)
2. Because of love (v. 4). God was righteously angry at us, but He still unconditionally loved us and desired to have a relationship with us even though we did not deserve Him. His love caused Him to extend mercy and grace to us through the sacrifice of Jesus.
3. To life (v. 5-6). Death is separation. There is physical, spiritual (separation from God through sin), and eternal (permanent separation from God in hell) death. However, Jesus gives us eternal life. He makes us spiritually alive now by reconciling us to God and guarantees us a physical resurrection and an eternity with God in heaven.
4. For God’s glory (v. 7) [1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Philippians 3:3]. Salvation is for our good, but it is ultimately for God’s glory. We are trophies of grace who can take no credit. This is one of the dividing lines between a Christian and a non-Christian. A Christian gives all glory to Jesus while a non-Christian takes glory for himself.
5. By grace (v. 8-9). We are saved by the work of Jesus instead of our works. It is the DONE plan instead of the DO plan. This separates Christianity from every other religion. Grace is God blessing us as a free gift when we deserve judgment.
6. Through faith (v. 8-9). We receive grace by trusting Jesus alone. Faith is looking unto Jesus and relying on Him exclusively to make us right with God. It is giving up self-effort, repenting of sin, and placing our lives in His hands.
7. Unto good works (v. 10). We are not saved by good works but salvation produces good works. We cannot do anything to please God apart from Jesus. However, faith in Jesus leads to obedience which produces a changed life that glorifies God.
Conclusion: If you are a Christian, are you appreciating, serving, and worshipping Jesus because of what He has done for you? If you are not sure about whether or not you are a Christian, evaluate yourself by asking if you are trusting Jesus alone, living for God’s glory, and is there the evidence of good works in your life. If you are not a Christian, God’s grace is your hope. Admit your sinfulness and trust Jesus.