“Solving By Involving”
Acts 6:1-7
Sermon Series: “Moving Forward”
Introduction: “Moving Forward” as a church includes involving more people in leadership and ministry. It is how we can effectively minister to our people within the church and reach more non-Christians at the same time.
Main Idea: The way to solve the problem of our people not being effectively ministered to as we grow is to involve more people in ministry, which also leads to us fulfilling the mission of more people becoming disciples of Jesus.
1. Effectively ministering to everybody’s needs as a church grows is a common problem in church (v. 1). The particular problem in this case was the widows who were more identified with Greek culture as opposed to Jewish culture were being neglected in the distribution of the food they provided for widows. Their frustration turned into grumbling and murmuring. The apostles caught wind of it and knew it was a problem that needed to be solved. Here are some principles that we can learn from this situation:
A. Problems are to be expected in church life.
B. Growth does not eliminate problems. It actually creates problems. However, there are problems with not growing as well so the issue is what kind of problems we are going to have.
C. Problems cannot be ignored.
D. However, problems must be solved with wisdom and not in a way that creates bigger problems.
E. Problem solving (both outward problems and deeper issues) is an essential component of leadership.
F. The goals of problem solving are to implement biblical convictions, stay on mission, and maintain unity.
G. Problems are really opportunities in disguise.
2. We solve this problem by involving more people in ministry (v. 2-6, see also Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12, 1 Peter 4:10-11). The Apostles did not try to handle the problems themselves, but they lead the congregation in appointing others to handle the situation so they could stay focused on their primary purpose of preaching God’s Word and praying. Every Christian is called as a full-time minister. We are saved to serve. Ministry is a team sport. However, we have different places on the team so it is vital for us to serve in the ways that God has wired. The point here is not to have a few people work harder but to have more people working. We also see that character is the foundational element of spiritual leadership and effective ministry.
3. Solving this problem leads to the fulfillment of our mission of making disciples of Jesus (v. 7). When they solved this problem, “then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith.” Their impact was greatly increased. We are called to minister to believers in the church and spread the gospel to those outside the church who are not trusting Jesus. It is not an either/or proposition. We can do both effectively when believers are involved in ministry. Are you involved in ministry?