“A Diagnosis Of Discontentment”
Numbers 11-14
Sermon Series: “More…Or Less”
Introduction: Philippians 2:14 says, “Do all things without complaining and disputing” [other translations use words such as murmuring, arguing, grumbling, etc.]. I made my older kids memorize this verse one time when I was tired of them arguing with each other. I have memorized it too. We all need it. Human nature seems to have a tendency to grumble more than expressing gratitude. This is a problem we need to deal with. Moses seemed to deal with this constantly from the children of Israel in the Old Testament, and they are to be an example to us according to 1 Corinthians 10. However, we need to go below the surface and look at the root issues that cause this kind of outward behavior. Based on these Old Testament examples, I want to show you that this type of behavior comes from a lack of contentment so let’s do a diagnosis of discontentment.
1. Symptoms: The outward manifestations of the issue that we are talking about among the children of Israel were complaining and criticizing others. Notice that they always did it in groups. Positive talks spreads and negative talk spreads. This type of activity can be a form of gossip. Proverbs 6:16-19 is a list of what are often called the seven deadly sins. They are things that God says that He hates. Verse 19 speaks of “a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” The King James Version used the word, “murmuring,” to describe the behavior of the children of Israel. I like this old-school word. According to The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, it “means to express resentment, dissatisfaction, anger, and complaint by grumbling in half-muted tones of hostile opposition to God’s leaders and the authority which he has invested in them.” How often can our speech be characterized in that way? We need to remember Ephesians 4:29, which says, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”
2. Results: What happens when people complain, grumble, murmur and criticize?
Others are hurt by it.
God brings His discipline and chastisement.
3. Source: It would be wrong for us to only look at the symptoms and the results. We need to go below the surface and see the true source of complaining. I think the real source of complaining, according to God’s Word, is a lack of contentment. These people were not content with what God had given them, where He had brought them, what He had called them to, and how He was working. They wanted things their way. They wanted more. Their hearts were not right. So, they complained. We are the same way. There are deeper reasons that we complain, and we need to treat the root causes and not just the surface symptoms.
4. Causes: What are the root causes of discontentment? Here are at least some of them:
A. A Wrong Perspective-We will not be content and end up complaining if we focus on what we do not have instead of being thankful for what we do have.
B. A Lack Of Trusting God-If we do not trust that God is in control and working for our good, we will complain about what is wrong and what is lacking.
C. A Lack Of Finding Our Satisfaction In God-If we are looking for satisfaction in earthly things instead of finding it in the Lord, we will end up being discontent and complaining because only the Lord satisfies (see John 6).