“The Myth Of More”
1 Timothy 6:3-19
Sermon Series: “Modern Family”
Introduction: We talked about this regarding the subject of sex last week, but it is equally true regarding the subject of money. What I am referring to is the fact that the world wants to squeeze us into its mold when it comes to this issue. Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” The goal of this message is to renew our thinking in regard to money so we view it from God’s viewpoint instead of the world’s. It is very dangerous for us to believe the myth of more. Many families have been destroyed by believing and pursuing this myth and sacrificing family life and spiritual life in order to try to get more money, more things, more hobbies, more status, etc. Here are some cures for the myth of more:
1. Choose contentment (v. 6-8).
2. Be more passionate about pursuing Jesus than pursuing money (v. 9-16).
3. Trust Jesus instead of money (v. 17).
4. Be generous (v. 18).
5. Live with an eternal focus (v. 19) [see Matthew 6:19-21].