Gospel Part 1: “The Meaning of the Good News”

“The Meaning of the Good News”

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Sermon Series:  “The Gospel”


Introduction:  Gospel means good news.  We live in a world that is full of bad news.  We need some good news that is lasting and not just fleeting.  Well, I think it is incredibly good news that God loves rebellious sinners so much that He gave His Son to die for us and now offers us His amazing grace through the risen and reigning Lord Jesus Christ.

Most people in east Tennessee have heard of the gospel.  Some have sort of heard the gospel.  Many have even truly heard the gospel.  There are probably a lot of people here this weekend that can recite the facts of the gospel.  Maybe you can or maybe you can’t.  However, the thought I want us to focus on is whether or not you are really grasping the implications of the gospel and what it means for your life.  Please consider these facts and implications of the gospel so we can truly grasp the good news of what Jesus has done for us.



Fact #1:  The gospel is the good news of what God has graciously done for us through Jesus (v. 1-4, 10).

Implication:  We don’t have to work to earn God’s favor, but we simply receive what He has done for us through Jesus.


Fact #2:  The gospel is rooted in actual historical events (v. 3-8).

Implication:  It can’t be just a sweet, feel-good fairy tale, but it is only good news if it is true.  It is a fact or a hoax.  It is all or nothing.


Fact #3:  The gospel results in salvation from sin and transformation in our lives (v. 2, 9-10).

Implication:  The gospel changes our lives from the inside out.  Here are some ways:

A. It undercuts our pride because it brings a deep recognition of sin and the realization that our external religiosity and morality do not equal true godliness.

B. It brings security because our identity is in Jesus Christ.

C. It transforms our character.

D.  It gives us a new direction and energy in our lives.


Fact #4:  The gospel is received by truly trusting Jesus (v. 1-2, 11).

Implication:  We receive the benefits of the gospel only when we are truly standing in faith in Jesus.


Conclusion:  Are you truly trusting Jesus today?  Is your faith evidenced by the transformation of your life?  If you will trust Him, Jesus will receive you right now.  For those of us who do know Him, I hope we see that our life and hope is found in the gospel.  I hope we see that Jesus is worthy of our worship, our service, and really all that we have because of who He is and what He has done for us.