Part 35: “A Genuine Servant”

“A Genuine Servant”

John 13:1-17

Sermon Series:  “Getting Acquainted With Jesus”


Introduction:  Does it come more natural for us to desire to serve or to be served?  Does God call us to focus more on being served or serving others?

The Revell Concise Bible Dictionary says, “The NT uses two primary Greek words for ‘servant.’  A doulos, a slave or bondservant, completely subjects his will to another.  Christians are God’s bondslaves, called to submit fully to the will of God.  A diakonos is a helper or minister.  While doulos emphasizes submission to another’s will, diakonos focuses attention on the needs the servant can meet.  In this second sense, Christians should serve one another, being sensitive to needs and willing to meet them…We are both to serve the Lord as a doulos (Rom. 12:11; Col. 3:24), and to serve others as a diakonos.”

Every Christian is to serve others as a part of their day-to-day lives.  Really, servant and Christian are synonyms.  Yes, we are to serve God in the church with our spiritual gifts, but service extends far beyond that sphere.  It should include our homes, schools, workplaces, communities, and the world.  How can we be genuine servants of God?


1.  What is the motivation of a genuine servant?  Love (v. 1)

Jesus tells us in verse 35 that people will know that we are His disciples because we love one another.  The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) teaches us that love is action instead of words.  It is easy to talk about love, but we demonstrate love by serving others.



2.  Where does the security to serve others come from?  Understanding our identity in Christ (v. 2-4)

Sometimes we fail to serve others because of our insecurity and/or pride.  By the way, a demeanor that comes across as cocky or prideful is really produced more by insecurity than anything else.  However, when we are secure in Christ, we can live to serve others instead of impressing others.  We can genuinely put others first because we know who we are and what we have in the Lord.


3.  What is the essence of genuine service?  Humbling ourselves, putting others first, and meeting their needs (v. 4-11)

Jesus’ actions teach us that no service is beneath us.

Jesus’ actions teach us that no person is beneath us.

Jesus’ actions teach us we are being prideful when we put our status ahead of the needs of others.

Jesus’ actions teach us that we are not to be too prideful to be served by others.


4.  Who is our example for genuine service?  Jesus Christ (v. 12-16)

If Jesus washed their feet, how can we not serve others?  Plus, this was not the lowest of His service.  He went to the cross for us (Philippians 2:5-11, Isaiah 52:13-53:6), which is the greatest act of service of all time.  This passage is a picture of the fact that His blood washes us clean of our sins.


5.  What is the reward for serving others?  God blesses servants for their obedience (v. 17)

Talk is cheap.  Five minutes of obedience is worth more than fifty years of listening to sermons.


Conclusion:  Jesus Christ came as the Suffering Servant to die for our sins.  Have you trusted Him as your sin-bearer and the leader of your life?  Christians, are we living like God’s servants by being fully surrendered to doing His will in our lives?  Are we serving God by serving others?  Remember, we cannot truly serve God without serving other people.