“Blinded to the Light”
John 9
Sermon Series: “Getting Acquainted With Jesus”
Introduction: It must be a horrible thing to be blind, although many people live wonderful lives in that condition. However, it is hard to imagine going through life without being able to see anything. I am terribly nearsighted, and it is hard for me to understand how I did not realize it sooner. As bad as physical blindness is, spiritual blindness is even worse. However, the good news is that Jesus is the cure for spiritual blindness. On the other hand, the problem for many people is they do not even realize they are blind. Can you see spiritually?
Message of the Miracle: Jesus is the Light of the world, and faith in Him cures our spiritual blindness while pride blinds us to our true spiritual condition.
1. Jesus is the Light of the world. This is another example of Jesus claiming to be God. The symbolism of light expresses the meanings of:
Life (1:4)
Salvation (1:6-13)
Purity (3:17-20)
Truth and Revelation (3:21)
2. Jesus is the cure for our spiritual blindness. This cure is characterized by:
A. The cure is initiated by God. Jesus sought the man that He healed out in order to save this man. What a beautiful picture! He does the same thing with us. God always has the initiative in salvation.
B. The cure is received through our faith. “Lord, I believe” was the response of the man who was healed, and it brought salvation. Salvation always has been and always will be by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).
C. The cure results in us becoming worshippers of Jesus. That was this man’s immediate response to Jesus. “Worshipper” is synonymous with “Christian.” You cannot be saved without worshipping. Really, the point of fulfilling the Great Commission is to develop more worshippers of Jesus so God receives more of the glory that He is due.
3. Pride blinds us to our true spiritual condition and prevents us from receiving the cure. Jesus made is abundantly clear that He will reveal where everyone stands and will judge those who reject Him (v. 39). Here are five characteristics of pride that can be seen in this chapter:
A. Pride blinds us to our true spiritual condition because it produces self-righteousness within us (v. 34).
B. Pride causes us to judge others instead of examining our own hearts.
C. Pride prevents us from giving Jesus control because it leads us to try and be in control.
D. Pride causes us to trust religious legalism instead of the person and work of Jesus Christ.
E. Pride prevents us from truly worshipping Jesus.
F. Pride ultimately separates us from God and brings His judgment upon us (v. 39-41).
Conclusion: Do you have spiritual sight? Are you trusting Jesus or are you still blinded by pride? Even for those of us who are Christians, do we need to humble ourselves and repent of pride so we can trust more and worship better?