“Too Much Flesh”
1 Timothy 2:9-10
Sermon Series: “Flesh”
Introduction: This is not a matter of legalism or anything goes. It is about the heart. It is about living out the gospel to the glory of God as a reflection of Jesus Christ. Let’s examine what the Bible says about modesty and proper dress.
Background Issues To Deal With
1. True beauty is a heart issue (1 Peter 3:3-4). Jesus is who truly makes us beautiful in God’s eyes.
2. Focus on pleasing God (and spouse if married) [1 Samuel 16:7] instead of self and others.
3. A godly, healthy self-image is crucial.
4. A biblical theology of the body: There is nothing wrong with the body. It is created by God. However, our minds have been perverted by the fall (Genesis 1-3). Also, we are to glorify God with our bodies by taking care of them because they are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We are to focus on Him instead of others.
5. There is a balance of responsibility between men and women. Men are 100% responsible not to lust, regardless of how women dress. Women are responsible to dress in a godly manner, regardless of the way men think. Romans 14:13 says, “Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.” Missy Griffith said, “Just because you can’t prevent every man from looking, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to prevent most.”
Biblical Characteristics of Proper Dress- 1 Timothy 2:9-10
1. Well-ordered: “Adorn” comes from the Greek word, kosmos, from which we get our English word, cosmos. It means “order.” Greek scholar, Kenneth Wuest, writes, “By the use of this word, Paul indicates that the adornment of the Christian woman should be one in which order, not disorder, obtains. And this orderliness must not extend merely to the relationship of the various articles of wearing apparel to one another, but also to the relationship of that
apparel to her Christian character and testimony. In other words, the apparel must congruous with, fitting to, and consistent with what she is, a child of God.”
2. Modesty: See #4 3. Humility: See #4
4. Self-control: The three characteristics listed as numbers 2-4 really connect and fit together. C.J. Mahaney wisely describes them like this, “Modesty means propriety. It means avoiding clothes and adornment that are extravagant or sexually enticing. Modesty is humility expressed in dress. It’s a desire to serve others, particularly men, by not promoting or provoking sensuality. Immodesty, then, is much more than wearing a short skirt or low- cut top; it’s the act of drawing undue attention to yourself. It’s pride, on display by what you wear. Self-control is, in a word, restraint. Restraint for the purpose of purity; restraint for the purpose of exalting God and not ourselves. Together, these attitudes of modesty and self-control should be the hallmark of the godly woman’s dress.”
5. Not with gaudiness, extravagance, and showiness: It is certainly possible to be immodest by dressing pridefully to show off wealth or to appear better than others.
6. A focus on and priority of good works: Purity of heart that produces good works is primarily what Christians are called to.
Conclusion: It is about the heart. It is about living out the gospel. Modesty does not make us righteous but it reflects the righteousness given to us by Jesus. Do people see Jesus in our godly character and good works? Are you truly a Christian? Maybe you’ve never come to Christ at all. Or maybe you’ve thought you were a Christian but you see now that you were trusting in religion and good deeds. Let’s repent of sin and religion and trust Jesus today and from here on out.