Matthew 5:21-24, 18:15-35
Sermon Series: “Building Blocks of Healthy Relationships”
Introduction: It is impossible to relate to people without some degree of conflict so it is impossible to have healthy relationships without being able to resolve conflict. God is calling us to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) and reconcilers. We are following His example when we do this.
The story of the Bible to a great degree is God pursuing His rebellious creation through Jesus in order to reconcile us to Himself (Genesis 3:7-9, 15, 21; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). In light of the way God has pursued us in our broken relationship with Him, how can we refuse to pursue reconciliation with others?
What steps do we take in order resolve conflict with others?
1. Own our responsibility and take the initiative to go to the other person. Jesus told us to do this if we are the offended party or if we are the one who has committed the offense. He is talking about an actual offense here in the sense of an objective wrong or sin. It is not necessarily wrong to offend someone. Jesus also tells us to do this immediately so we need to not procrastinate.
2. Talk directly to the person instead of talking about the person to other people. Obeying this command of Jesus would eliminate many relational problems. Within the church, if the person who committed the wrong does not respond appropriately, we are to then involve others then in resolving the situation.
3. Forgive and let go of anger.
4. Attempt to work things out and to restore the relationship.
Remember that it takes one to forgive and two to reconcile so both people have to be willing to do what is needed, but we are responsible to try (Romans 12:18), whether we committed the wrong or were the one who was wronged.