John 15:12; Mark 12:30-31; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 4 Sermon Series: “Building Blocks of Healthy Relationships”
Introduction: We were created for relationships with God and others. When He created us in His image, he created us with a need and a desire to have healthy relationships. We were created to love Him and to love others. But our sin has caused us to have broken relationships. This includes our relationship with God and each other. Graciously, God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins and restore that broken relationship with Him. Through Christ, we can also relate to others in a godly way and experience healthy relationships the way He intended.
Last week we also learned that healthy relationships start with me. We are accountable for our own actions in each of our relationships. Doing things out of selfish ambition and trying to cover up our actions and motives with lies will only cause more problems. Judah’s sins had a negative impact for generations to come.
Today we will focus on why love is paramount in our relationships. God gives us very clear instructions about love. He also commands us to “love one another” and to “love our neighbors as ourselves”. Love is the glue that binds things together. Without love, our efforts are meaningless. God is our perfect example of love, and He has empowered us to love others.
1. WhatisLove?
A. The world defines love in many different ways. B. Greektranslationsoflove
- Eros – physical attraction, sexual love (not found in N.T., but referred to many times in scripture).
- Storge – love for family
Phileo – brotherliness, companionship, friendship, sentiment or feeling, can be temporary based on circumstances.
C. We should be a reflection of God’s love as we love others.
He that has no love does not know God (1 John 4:8). If we love God, we will love others (1 John 5:1).
How do we show others love? 1 Cor. 13
Kindness – act benevolently, graciousness & goodness Without envy – not jealous
Humility – not a show off
Not rude – unmannerly
Thinks no evil – doesn’t hold grudges
Does not rejoice in iniquity – when sin prevails
Rejoices in truth – when righteousness prevails
Bears all things – cover/conceal the flaws of others without revealing them to the world
4. GodisourexampleofhowtoLove.
- God has loved mankind since the creation of the world.
- He continues to prove his love to us through his
patience, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, grace,
mercy, provision, etc.
- God sent his son Jesus to die for us because He loves us!
1 Jn. 4:9-10, John 3:16; John 15:13
5. WehavethepowertoLoveothers.
- If we have a relationship with God, then we can receive and give love to others. 1 John 4:13-21
- The fruit of the Spirit is love…. Gal. 5:22
Conclusion: Healthy Relationships take work and are not always easy. Without love, our relationships will never be all they should or could be. The world has tried to redefine the real meaning of love by making it selfish. But to have the best relationships, we must love others the way God has loved us. He has given us the power to love others through the Holy Spirit.
How will you choose to love others?
• Agape – totally unselfish & unconditional, to have esteem, high regard for, the kind of love Jesus has for us.
C. God is love! It is his very nature. 1 John 4:7-8
2. WhyisLovesoimportantinourrelationships?
A. Our “efforts” are meaningless without it. 1 Cor. 13:1-3 B. Love is the glue that holds it all together! Col. 3:1-14
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- Not self-seeking – doesn’t demand its own way
- Not provoked to anger – not irritable
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• Believes all things – not gullible, but has faith in others
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Hopes in all things – hopes for the best in people & for people Endures all things – remains steadfast in unpleasant circumstances
Never fails – it’s permanent