Part 2: “The Sequel”

“The Sequel”
Revelation 19:11-20:6
Sermon Series: “Behind The Scenes Of The Christmas Story”

Introduction: The return of Christ may seem like a strange subject to preach about at Christmas, but in reality, the first and second comings of Christ are completely linked together. They are different in their details but equally necessary in God’s plan. Jesus came the first time, meek and lowly, to win the victory. He will return the second time, in power and glory, to consummate the victory by destroying God’s enemies and establishing God’s Kingdom on the earth. Let’s look at the following aspects of His return that this passage reveals for us.

1. The Depiction of His Coming (19:11-16)

A. The Background
B. The Scene in Heaven (19:1-10)
C. The Setting on Earth (the battle of Armageddon)

  1. The Sky’s Opening (v. 11)
  2. The Savior’s Appearance (He is riding on a white horse,

    has eyes like a flame of fire, on His head are many crowns, has on a robe dipped in blood, out of His mouth comes a sharp sword, and on His robe and thigh are written-King of Kings and Lord of Lords)

  3. The Savior’s Army (Christians, wearing white robes and riding white horses, accompany Him)

2. The Description of His Character (19:11-16)

Contrary to a lot of people’s perception of Jesus, this passage clearly reveals Him to be:

  1. The Mighty Conqueror (v. 11, 15-16)
  2. Faithful and True (v. 11)
  3. The Righteous Judge (v. 11, 15)
  4. The One who expresses the wrath of God (v. 11, 12, 15)
  5. King of Kings and Lord of Lords (v. 12, 16)
  6. Beyond comprehension (v. 12)

G. The Sacrificial Lamb (v. 13)
H. The Word of God (v. 13) [according to John 1, this

clearly means that He is God Incarnate]

3. The Details of His Conquest (19:17-20:6)

A. His Enemies Are Defeated (19:17-20:3)
-The beast and false prophet are cast into the lake of fire (v.20)
-Their armies are destroyed (v.21)
-Satan is bound for 1000 years (20:1-3)

B. His Kingdom on earth is established (20:3-6) Applications: Why does this happen and what does it mean?

1. The fulfillment of God’s Word and the completion of the plan of God.
2. The revelation of who Jesus really is.
3. The vindication of the saints and restoration of righteousness.

4. The glorification of God.
5. The expression of the wrath of God, which demonstrates our need for the gospel.
6. The ultimate victory of all the ages, which gives us hope.

Conclusion: Don’t you want to be on the winning side? Well, the way to do that is through Jesus! It gives us hope. It is like knowing who wins the game or the ending of the book before the end. Are you for the Lord or against the Lord? He loves you and wants you to be on His side. He died for you so you can have a relationship with Him and spend eternity with Him in heaven. The Bible teaches us that if we repent of our sins (by asking forgiveness and turning away from sin), trust in Christ (believing that He is the Son of God who died for our sins and rose from the dead), and confess Him as Lord (acknowledge Him as our Master) that we will be saved. Will you receive Him today?