“It’s Not About Me”
I am going to be doing a series of blogs, starting with this one, dealing with the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel that I touched on in the last message of “The Cross” series when we talked about Jesus’ example in suffering. I intended to do this sooner and have had some delays, but I intend to crank these out over the next week or two.
The title of this blog, “It’s Not About Me,” is the starting point for any discussion on the prosperity gospel. By the prosperity gospel, I mean the theology that teaches that health, wealth, prosperity, and power are included in salvation as divine rights for us in this world. I think the prosperity gospel is guilty of missing the forest for the trees, so to speak. There is some truth in it, but the over aching premise seems to be that God exists to fulfill our needs while the actual premise of the Bible is that we exist to bring God glory. God does bless us, but that is not the main point of everything. Isaiah 43:7 says, “Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” Therefore, be cautious with any teaching that focuses on:
1. Our glory instead of the glory of God.
2. Getting from God instead of giving our lives to God because of His worthiness.
3. Trying to get God to accomplish our desires instead of surrendering our wills to Him so we can receive His best.
4. The fulfillment of human potential instead of the cross of Jesus Christ.
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