Modern Family
This is the title of the new sermon series we are starting at True Life on Sunday. Family really is the foundational institution of human society, and it is under attack at the national level. The very definitions of what makes a family are being challenged and redefined. For example, Charles Colson wrote the following about marriage several years ago, and his words have turned out to be prophetic, “Many Americans no longer treat marriage as a moral commitment with its own definition and nature, a commitment that makes objective demands of us, regardless of what we might prefer. Instead, marriage is regarded as a social construction, as something one can define according to one’s own preferences.” However, families are being challenged at the individual level as well. Families struggle financially. Many marriages are ending in divorce. Many people don’t even make the commitment of marriage any more but just live together. Huge numbers of kids don’t know one or more of their parents. This is not how God designed things, and life does not work unless we function according to God’s design.
That is why we are doing this series. We want to share God’s design clearly and practically in hopes of helping families. We are going to deal with the national issues facing families in our society today and share God’s truth in love regarding them. We are also going to deal with the issues facing individual families and shine the light of God’s truth on them. We are going to begin this Sunday by looking at God’s definition of marriage (and this will be a whole lot more than a rant about same-sex marriage).
The late Adrian Rogers used to say, “I would rather have the truth that cuts and then heals than a lie that comforts and then kills.” We are going to spend most of the summer on this series. We think it is that important. We encourage you to be here as much as you can, invite others to come with you, and encourage people to listen online.
You can catch up on “The Cross” series that we just finished on if you missed any of it. I am also planning on doing some blogging in the upcoming days regarding some issues about suffering and the theology of glory vs. the theology of the cross that I raised in the last message.